The family of Marty Balin is proud to announce that they will be working with the Jefferson Airplane Band members and management along with Entertainment Asset Management in Los Angeles to preserve Marty Balin’s and the Jefferson Airplane’s illustrious history.Marty left behind a rich legacy of music and art. His life long journals will become his own Biography. His music and art will continue to paint the image of the gifted human being that he was.
We look forward to sharing future events on this site and on The official Marty Balin FB and Instagram accounts.
How does one possibly find the words, or the sounds, to cry out the pain and loss of the heart?
My most cherished and sacred love has left my side. While I will always have the love and laughter of our beautiful daughters, Jennifer, Delaney, Rebekah, and Moriah, and while I will live life to the fullest with them and my beloved family and friends, I will forever walk this earth alone. And that is okay, because that is my truth, and truth is a physical force.
Buck and I had a very sacred love. He was so consumed by it, as I was too. Throughout any given day, he would touch me, look into my eyes, and say that I was his angel. I would always reply, “Oh, but you are mine.” When we first met, there was a “collision of hearts.” So intentionally forced by destiny to collide, that the impact pushed two hearts into one. Almost as if there was a huge magnet in the sky with a force so powerful that it smacked us together and made us feel like nothing could ever pull us apart. And nothing ever did. We would lay in bed holding each other in disbelief of this miracle, both knowing it was the destiny that we were born to have. The fact that it took almost a lifetime to happen did not matter, because when it did happen, we were so complete, that only a number would define it as less than forever. It is for this reason, whenever anyone asked how long we were together, we both would answer, “FOREVER.”
My destiny of having lived my life so fully and deeply with my Buck by my side 24/7 up until September 27th, 2018, is as much my destiny as it is to spend the rest of my life living without him in sadness and loneliness. I will be okay.
Buck and I were both born and blessed with the gift of accepting what each day would bring, whether good or bad, always with open arms and a lightness of being. Our love for life naturally did not leave space or time to be wasted on the negative. To Buck, every second of life counted. He had a lot to create and a lot to get done. A moment wasted on small matters of a contrite nature was a crime of vast proportion. I adored Buck for this, because powerfully together, we would always have a beautiful light of positive energy around us, and we did. Even pain, loss, and suffering had no power to rock his boat even in the slightest… and this is true. Anyone who cared for my Buck over the past two years saw a man with hope, love, laughter, and even a sparkle in his eyes that was contagious. It was undeniable.
In my life with Buck, my place was to help deliver his messages of art and music as purely as possible. I was merely the deliverer of those messages… entirely, 100% him. It was a majestic dance we did together, and we both knew and cherished it.
The public part of Buck was sharing his music and living for the exchange of beautiful energy between him and his fans. But anyone who knew him well, knew him to be a very private person. In March 2016, the night that Buck ended up on life support in the ER, all I could think about was him living. I also knew that until he opened up his eyes and told me what he wanted others to know, I had to honor his privacy. This was not easy, but it was right. The moment he did open his eyes and was able to understand what he went through, he was grateful that I did not let his private health journey overshadow the music that he lived for and delivered all his life. To anyone who questions my decisions, I can only say to read this over and over again… for these decisions were all Buck’s.
Just like a painting, the separate strokes are individual and powerful in their own essence, but it is when all the strokes are together, that we see a full picture or the final story. To assume one knows the story, or ever can know the daily strokes of our “life painting” is just not possible. On both a spiritual and factual level.
After a very long and serious hospitalization, we finally arrived home and into the hands of the most amazing doctors who became my most cherished supporters in Buck’s care. Buck was very happy. Even with his challenges, the days were full, loving, and fun. Yes, things were very different, but we simply adjusted and made life beautiful again.
I know that my loss is the greatest I have ever had, but I also know that my beautiful Buck was so loved by so many of you, that you too, all walk with the same pain that I do. I honor your sadness and I love you for feeling it.
When Buck was in the hospital in March 2016, I never left his side. During those four and half months, I made the hospital room home. I brought in his radio, purple blankets, lavender oil, and pictures of Sai Baba, his mom, dad, sister, and children. I told him stories, I read him books, I massaged him, I wanted to help him feel the life that he was most familiar with as much as possible. But the most important thing that I did was pray to Rabbi Schneerson and Sai Baba.
I thank you all for your amazing messages, flowers, cards, and calls, but the one thing I thank you for most is something you would not have known unless I share it here now. You will find it within my prayer:
“Dear Sai Baba,
It is with great humility that I ask you to help my beautiful husband push out of his body all the disease, infection, and pain. So far out and away that it can not hurt me, our loved ones, or anyone else in the universe. Please help my beautiful husband build a shield around him that will keep all disease, infection, and pain away from him. Please, Sai Baba, help my husband pool together all the beautiful, healing energy that he ever put out there to his fans so that he can heal and once again give it back. I promise you that he will.
Sai Ram.”
This is where you all came in and, together, we all healed my Buck. Never forget that.
It was only a few months after we arrived home that Buck’s musicians Chuck and Lloyd started to come over and play music again. Buck could not play his guitar and his voice was changed, yet still soulful. His diction was imperfect and the sounds of the past were there in beautiful remnants. But if and when you get to hear his music from this period of time, you will undoubtably hear the iconic and familiar soul of the beautiful Marty Balin.
His life, his love, his everything, will live on forever and ever and ever.
Your Joy, Eternally Forever
I stumbled upon this for the first time the other day. From his many beautiful messages of love, this one seemed most significant for me to share today:
Tampa, FL.
Happy as hell!
A bit sore still &
beat up & learning
to overcome it but I
still am feeling happy
& with Susan I’ve
never been happier.
With a heavy heart we share this sad news.
“Whatever happened to wishes wished on a star?” —Marty Balin
Marty Balin, the legendary founder and lead vocalist of Jefferson Airplane and hit song-writer of Jefferson Starship, passed away on September 27. His wife, Susan Joy Balin, was by his side. He was 76.
Marty had a historic career as Rock and Roll Hall of Fame inductee, Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award recipient, and platinum and gold solo artist. Balin also enjoyed painting all his life. He painted vibrant, large-scale portraits of many of the most influential musicians and good friends Janis Joplin, Jim Morrison, and Jerry Garcia, to name a few.
Marty’s fans describe him as having had a substantial impact for the better of the world: “One of the greatest voices of all time, a writer of songs that will never fade, and founder of the quintessential San Francisco band of the sixties.” His music is known for being the soundtrack to all of life’s monumental moments.
Born Martyn Jerel Buchwald in Cincinnati, Ohio, on January 30, 1942, Marty was raised in the San Francisco Bay Area by parents Joe and Jean Buchwald.
“Marty was the one who started the San Francisco scene,” says Bill Thompson, Balin’s roommate back in the mid-’60s and former manager of both the Jefferson Airplane and Jefferson Starship.
The Jefferson Airplane, initially a folk-rock venture, came to epitomize the psychedelic scene, scoring a gold record in 1967 with its second album, Surrealistic Pillow. The album was named one of the 500 Greatest Albums of All Time by Rolling Stone magazine.
Balin’s soulful tenor proved a pivotal element of the group’s sound. He also wrote key compositions including “It’s No Secret” “Today,” “Comin’ Back To Me” “Plastic Fantastic Lover” “Share a Little Joke,” and “Volunteers.”
“Back in those days Marty was quite the businessman” said Paul Kantner. “He was the leader of the band on that level. He was the one who pushed us to do all the business stuff, orchestrating, thinking ahead, looking for managers and club opportunities. He was very good at it”.
At the end of 1978, after contributing several major hits including “Miracles,” “With Your Love,” “Count on Me,” and “Runaway” with Jefferson Starship, Marty left the band. In 1981, he released his first solo album, Balin , featuring two top hits , “Hearts” and “Atlanta Lady”. Marty’s solo career prove d to be as successful as his past music endeavors.
Marty is survived by his wife Susan Joy Balin, daughters Jennifer Edwards and Delaney Balin, and stepdaughters Rebekah Geier and Moriah Geier.
“Marty and I shared the deepest of love—he often called it Nirvana—and it was. But really, we were all touched by his love. His presence will be within my entire being forever.” —Susan Balin
“Daddy was daddy.” —Delaney Balin
September/October 2017
It has been a busy few weeks! After a few years of requests I finally said yes and completed the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame interview.
Big thanks to Joel Peresman for including me in this great project. Special thanks to Holly George-Warren who had a great knowledge of people, places and history and who asked significant questions. Also big thanks to Tom Case who set up the cameras and filmed the interview. You both made a long day fun and the interview complete. It sure brought back a lot of good memories!
I am thrilled to share that Jefferson Airplane is now being managed by Jeffrey Jampol of JAM Inc. Jeff has brought the JA family band members into the light again. Together we are preserving our legacy and it feels great!
Thanks to JAM INC I am proud to share the most recent use of my song I LIKE IT on a Covergirl commercial. Not bad singing behind the images of great woman like Katy Perry, Issa Rae, Shelina Moreda, Maya Musk and Mary Arias. Glad to see my song continues to hold meaning.
As for the personal stuff…..I am still taking it easy at home with my wife Susan and our daughters who come for wonderful visits. I am writing and rehearsing for a new album and hope to get back on the road again soon!
I have great company these days. I am very much in love with my wife Susan who remains by my side. She is my inspiration.
Last but not least…….Big thanks to all my Fans for the wonderful letters and comments on my FB page! Your love and support is always appreciated. It is all about you!
Marty Balin
From Folk to Acid Rock, How Marty Balin Launched the San Francisco Music Scene – article
August 2017 – 50 years since THE SUMMER OF LOVE
Fifty years later and the SUMMER OF LOVE is still making a statement.
The Summer of Love was a great time in my life and I am proud to have it in my history. It was a great moment filled with amazing people and in the most beautiful city in America.
I think my song says it best. I still believe.
“Summer Of Love was something special
We were so young and so free
The Summer Of Love that I was a part of
We had so many dreams
And even a few of them came true it seems
I still believe in all the music, and it’s still playing
I still believe in all the words, ya I’m still saying
I still believe in all the people, they were really great
And I get to thinking back to where we all once were
The Summer Of Love had special people
Everybody was together so it seemed
The Summer Of Love had lots of changes going down
Looking back’s like yesterday
And you can say it all was just a dream
I still remember all the good times
And boy let me tell ya we sure had a lotta them
I still remember the world was changing all around us
I feel like we could go it all again
Now for the current news!
Life is good. Writing and rehearsing with the guys a lot. Hoping to start recording new songs this Fall. Good news is flowing in on interest for the newest album FEELING THE LOVE AGAIN. Will decide soon who takes it and runs with it! My FB page will keep you posted.
Apologies to Fans who send packages for autographs. Please be patient as I will get to them.
Enjoy the last few weeks of Summer and keep the love flowing!
Marty Balin
7/1/2017 – Thumbs up everyone
Starting July I am going to attempt a monthly Blog update to keep you posted about the new things that are around the corner. Many of you have been asking about the new album and also about the reopening of my St. Augustine gallery.
Great News!
The new album FEELING THE LOVE AGAIN is completed and ready to deliver to my fans. Please hold tight as it will be a while till it is available to the public. That’s how it goes! I am already on to the next album which I hope to record this Summer or Fall. FEELING THE LOVE AGAIN is a great album with some of my most talented friends on it! I will keep you posted via FB and this website regarding the release date.
Other great news!
The gallery is being re-organized and planned for a Fall opening. Hurricane Mathew hit the gallery hard. Luckily all my paintings and memorabilia survived thanks to my Sister in Laws Lana Levande and Donna Wendler. In the midst of the storm they grabbed all my paintings and memorabilia and protected them all. I say this with great gratitude as they lost their own belongings including cars and homes to the flood!
Unfortunately the gallery space was devastated by flooding and the building needed much repair. As a result we will be re-opening in a new space nearby and with all the same great exhibits!
My Social Media Staff will keep you posted on the Gallery Opening and the new album release!
Many of you have been asking when I will be touring again. I would love to have been in San Francisco for the SUMMER OF LOVE festivities. While I had many invites to play with my old friends I had to decline. I am missing my favorite venues like the Throckmorton in Mill Valley, The Triple Door in Seattle, The Iridium and the Cutting Room in NYC as well. But life is good and “patience is a virtue!”. For now I am still recovering at home and getting stronger everyday! My music and painting are keeping me busy!
Hope you all have a happy and safe Fourth of July!
Marty Balin
Life is good. Resting at home this past year has been healing. Family and pets…a lot of love and a lot of time to write new music and paint.
After a crazy year of medical events I am happy to share the great news about my new album FEELING THE LOVE AGAIN. This album has a full band sound with special guest appearances from other well known amazing artists. Future announcements regarding the album release date will be posted on this website and my FB Page so keep an eye out! Follow the link from this site to my FB page and “like” it. You will get current news and updates.
I want to thank all my Fans for being so supportive and concerned during this rough period of time. It is for you that I perform and write songs. Your energy and love keeps me inspired.
Lastly but most importantly I want to share my profound love for my wife Susan who never left my side for a moment. Sleeping by my side and saying beautiful and encouraging words inspiring me that I was gonna make it.
Susan had more strength and dignity then most anyone I have ever met. I feel reborn since falling in love with her. Without her true true love-well let’s just say I have it. If not for her love and perseverance I am not sure I would be here today. This is the true love I’ve always searched for and amazingly found.
Marty Balin
MVD Entertainment Group Proudly Announces Label Artist MARTY BALIN, Founder Of JEFFERSON AIRPLANE, To Receive Grammy Honorable Lifetime Achievement Award
Thank you MVD Entertainment for the wonderful recognition of receiving the Grammy Life Time Achievement Award. I am grateful to all my Fans who believe in me and who have sent love and well wishes.
While it will be a great show on PBS tonight I do wish I could have kicked -ss and been there to sing to you VOLUNTEERS as originally planned, prior to my unexpected illness.
All said and done this has been a good year after all. My two albums have been very well received. THE GREATEST LOVE is getting great attention and excellent reviews. Thank you for your support.
The gallery survived Hurricane Matthew, with much repair and cleanup. I survived my health health “hic-cup” and while I miss touring and performing for you guys I am happy to spend time at home with my wife and children. I am catching up on other projects.
So enjoy life…enjoy the music and know that I love you!
Marty Balin
Hi Everyone. Thank you for all your thoughts and healing energy.
It’s working. I love you all.
It was a sad day for me to miss the Grammy Life Achievement Awards…but hey life happens. I’m here to create more music, paint more images and work on preserving the legacy of the great JEFFERSON AIRPLANE with my fellow Band mates Grace, Jorma, Jack and in memory with Paul and Signe. Life is good.
Follow my FB page and website for new things happening. My gallery in Saint Augustine is super cool. The city is beautiful in November when it lights up with a special event called NIGHT OF LIGHTS. Check this link out as the trolley goes right by my Gallery. Maybe I will see you there! Marty
Dear Fans,
Thanks for all your well wishes! I am doing real good. Working on some new projects. In the next few weeks my gallery in St. Augustine Florida will have some new pieces of art. The date these works will be on display will be announced on my FB page. It will be on a first Friday art walk. If you have not visited Saint Augustine put it on your “places to visit list!”. Saint Augustine is a beautiful and historic City with a great deal of Art and Music. My gallery is centrally located and has some of my coolest paintings and memorabilia. Come in, sit back and cool off while you watch some film clips of my musical journey from past to the present.
Happy travels!
Marty Balin Interview
Marty Balin, Founder Of Jefferson Airplane, Shares Thoughts On Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award As He Is Unable To Attend Ceremony In Los Angeles This Weekend…
“An Evening at the Grammy’s”
A wonderful trip to L.A! It began Sunday evening at the Clive Davis Pre-Grammy Gala Celebration. It was great to catch up with Mickey Hart and Stephen Stills. Never saw so many Stars in one room!
Then off to the Grammy’s on Monday. Great to see Jack Casady and Grace’s daughter China Isler and her husband Seth. Looking forward to seeing Grace and the rest of the JA Band members at the LIFE TIME ACHIEVEMENT AWARDS that take place on April 23rd. Looking forward to joining together with my fellow Band members and singing a few JA hits. Should be a great evening for all. Thinking of Paul and Sig………their music and memory lives on!
Signe Anderson, Original Jefferson Airplane…
Signe Anderson, Original Jefferson Airplane Singer, Dead at 74
“One sweet lady has passed on. I imagine that she and Paul woke up in heaven and said ‘Hey what are you doing here?
Let’s start a band’ and no sooner then said Spencer was there joining in!
It was a sad week losing Paul and Signe. While I was requested to do many interviews I only did a few. The real feelings are in a song….. in fact all the songs that we did together, and separately, during and after JEFFERSON AIRPLANE and JEFFERSON STARSHIP say it all.
I look forward to attending the Grammy Awards ceremony on February 15th and sharing the recognition of those gifted Artists who remain with us and those who have left us this year. The music still lives on.”
Rolling Stones Article:
Marty Balin Remembers Paul Kantner
“So many memories rushing through my mind now. So many moments that he and I opened new worlds. He was the first guy I picked for the band and he was the first guy who taught me how to roll a joint. And although I know he liked to play the devil’s advocate, I am sure he has earned his wings now”. Sai Ram “Go with God”